Reversal of two-tiered speed camera ticketing system deferred, Appointment of Monique Scott as 24th ward alder
Good morning! I will be live-tweeting today’s Chicago City Council meeting for @CHIdocumenters. The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. Stay tuned for updates. #CHIdocumenters
09:45 AM Jun 22, 2022 CDT

@CHIdocumenters A quorum has been met with 38 alderpeople present. Here is today’s meeting agenda

First public comments today addressed the Peace Book Ordinance, reforms for safer streets beyond ticketing, tax increases for million-dollar real estate transactions to help homelessness, separation between sewage and rainwater in the city’s sewage system

Other public comments adressed the preservation of three catholic churches in the city: St. Albert’s, St. Michael the Archangel and Our Lady of Lourdes

Monique Scott has been officially named the 24th Ward alderperson in a 47-0 vote, following her brother Michael Scott, Jr. who formerly served as alderperson for the ward. Council members shared encouraging and welcoming words to the new alderperson.

Ald. Monique Scott was sworn in immediately after the vote. “I look forward to working really really hard and serving my community,” she said.

Three resolutions: the first honoring two retirees of the
Salvation Army, the second honoring Safe Passage workers of Chicago, and the final resolution honoring Pride Month. Members of the council, including the Mayor, wore Pride stoles during today’s meeting

An ordinance regarding death benefits for first responders in cases of suicide brings up mental health access for first responders. Ald. Lopez cites a lack of time to decompress between shifts saying, “We are driving our officers to this point.” The motion passed 48-0.

The council is now discussing the proposed ordinance looking to roll back $35 tickets for drivers caught on speed cameras going 6 MPH over the speed limit. Ald. Ervin says the item can be deferred and published, Lightfoot agreeing. Ald. Beale tries to appeal but cannot.

Ald. Lopez and Ald. Beale are asking to defer and publish on every item from the Committee of Finance. On the 7th item, Lightfoot asked if the two were going to “play this game” and later said “the games continue” after another defer and publish from Ald. Lopez and Ald. Beale.

Ald. Andre Vasquez “I’d like to be recorded as thoroughly embarrassed” and asked his colleagues deferring and publishing finance committee items to “cease and desist”

After a short recess, the council is moving on to the Committee on Budget and Government Operations. The Committee’s communications concluded after a short recap of their meeting on June 15.

The Committee on Economic, Capital & Technology Development presented their agenda items. The final agenda item — support of Class 6(b) tax incentive for the property at 2017 N Mendell St — was deferred and published.

Housing and Real Estate presented their agenda items including the sale of two properties on S Albany Ave to Natashee Scott, wife of former 24th Ward Ald. Michael Scott. The sale was approved.

The Committee on Workforce Development expressed support for Howard Brown Health’s non-nursing workers’ efforts to unionize. This passed during their June 9 meeting.

Committee reports have concluded. The council will be moving on to the agreed calendar.

These agreed calendar items address council member’s proposals including hearings related to CPD and CHA, inconsistent train and bus schedules, the peace book ordinance (which was blocked from advancing today) and safe bike lanes, among others.

Meeting adjourned at 1:56 p.m. This concludes today’s Chicago City Council Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 10 a.m. on the second floor of City Hall. For more meeting coverage, check out