Proposal of Near South Side high school, Building and facilities improvements
Good Morning! I’ll be live-tweeting the @ChiPubSchools Capital Plan Hearing for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m.
11:32 AM Jun 17, 2022 CDT

Kyrah Davis introduces Venny Dye and Ivan Hansen to give a presentation on FY23 capital budget.

Chief Facilities Officer, Ivan Hansen says CPS will consider community feedback in their budget.

Mr. Hansen says the cost to bring all @ChiPubSchools facilities in a state of good repair is 3.2 billion dollars

A visual facilities condition assessment is taking place in the district. The last assessment happened in 2020.

FY 2023 Capital Budget includes $764.5 million in equitable capital investments.

Breakdown of @ChiPubSchools proposed capital plan presented by Venny Dye. The FY23 budget includes $412.8 billion in capital funding to address facility needs and interior improvements.

CPS is investing $77.7 million to develop new playgrounds, playlots and site upgrades.

The FY2023 capital budget includes $120 million for a new high school to service Chinatown, Bridgeport and South Loop.

Venny Dye says the deferred needs in the district are many and CPS doesn’t have the resources to cure them all.

The first public speaker Mr. Chan says the Chinatown community has been advocating for a high school for 20 years. He’s in support of the future high school.

The second public speaker is also in favor of the proposed high school in the Chinatown, Bridgeport, and South Loop area. Says the commute to school for students is difficult and often leads them to be late.

The next speaker Issac C. says the closing of the National Teacher’s Academy was to make way for affluent South Loop residents. And the new proposed plan for a new high school reeks of racism.

Nikita B., Co-founder of @cueChicago says she opposes the proposed South Loop high school on the grounds of racial inequity baked into multiple levels of the plan.

Nikita B. says the proposed South Loop high school at 22nd and State will disproportionately harm Latino students through the budgeting process. Says Chinatown residents would prefer investments in Jones College prep to becoming a non-selective enrollment high school

and that investments in Dunbar high school as potential outcomes their willing to accept.

The next speaker says he’s also opposed to building a new high school on CHA land. Says that land was meant to be used for affordable housing.

The @ChiPubSchools capital budget hearing ends. This ends my coverage for @CHIdocumenters find more information through notes at