Live reporting by
Lamar Lyons

I'm currently at the @DetroitWaterDep Board of Water Commissioners meeting today. Off to an eventful start with extra entrance protocols being put in place with the arrival of a water activist group + a @wxyzdetroit camera. @wdet @CitizenDetroit #DetroitDocumenters
01:18 PM Aug 21, 2019 CDT

Because of the extra time taken to arrive to the conference room, the meeting already kicked off with with discussion of the shutoffs linked to a @BridgeMichigan article released earlier this week. #DetroitDocumenters

"City of Detroit records obtained by Bridge Magazine show that 7,310 of 11,801 homes disconnected for nonpayment since April remained without water as of Aug. 1. Of those homes, a vast majority, 5,354, are believed to be occupied. "