Live reporting by
Ahmad Sayles
Transportation plan, Black Student Success recommendations
Good Morning! I’ll be live-tweeting the Chicago Public Schools Board of Education meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. 🧵
10:24 AM Jun 27, 2024 CDT

Secretary Narrajos opened the meeting by announcing that the meeting had to be moved from the CPS Loop office to Jones College Prep in the South Loop because of flooding. President Shi begins a roll call to establish a quorum. A quorum is met.

President Shi honors the new honorary student board member Carolina Carchi and welcomes her to the board.

Principal Morales of Roberto Clemente Community Academy and CPS CEO Janice Jackson congratulate Carolina Carchi.

President Shi moves the meeting onto the agenda. The board recognizes the work and advocacy of the Englewood Community Action Council’s Denise Dyer and Darlene O’Banner.

CEdO Chkoumbova delivers remarks honoring the past Juneteenth Holiday and Pride Month. She also announces the North Lawndale STEAM program and the renaming of CPS department names.

CEO Martinez now begins his update. He says the CPS 2025 budget will be completed by the end of the summer. He also admits to the financial strain the district is under but is confident that CPS students will continue to progress.

CEO Martinez gives a transportation update. He says the district has reached out to the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Illinois Secretary of State for help to address the school bus driver shortage for the 24-25 school year.

Board member Mary Fahey Hughes gives the committee updates. She says the department name change from the Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services to the Office of Students with Disabilities was necessary and more inclusive.

President Shi moves on to the public participation section of the agenda. The first public speaker is a union member, CTU VP Jackson Potter.

CTU VP Jackson Potter says the CTU contract ends in four days. VP Potter is advocating for a fair and equitable budget and contract negotiations. He wants the district to protect SPED & bilingual teachers from being fired or forced to reapply for positions at the same school.

The next speaker is a CTU union member, Jen Conan. She says that charter schools like Namaste refuse to discuss providing bilingual and Special Education programs. And asks the board to hold them accountable.

The next union member is Ms. Scott-Kennedy, Executive VP of SEIU Local 73. She says that the members are expecting a date to receive their retro checks to help them during the summer break. She also advocates for members who work in heat with no AC.

The next speaker is Ms. Smith who works for a charter school. She’s advocating for school choice in Chicago.

The next speaker is Mr. Trust, he's advocating for CPS to close the Black student achievement gap.

The next public speaker is also advocating for school choice. She says that CPS leadership is not listening to parents of charter students.

The next speaker is from the Sunrise Movement. The speaker is advocating for CPS to embrace the Green New Deal and transform school buildings to address climate change and create a safe environment for students who deal with toxic drinking fountains and lead paint.

Several speakers are concerned with the dismissal of teachers and teachers' assistants due to the budget cuts.

Students from Brighton Park are requesting that CPS give students more resources like therapists and counselors in school.

Several more CTU members are telling the board that the experience of students will decline because of teachers and teachers’ assistants being fired or displaced.

Public officials from the City Council are now speaking to the board. Ald. Sposato (38) is saying that he wants Columbus Day to be celebrated and says that it’s an attack on Italian Americans.

Ald. Coleman (16) is speaking in favor of Black educators and students in CPS.

Ald. Taylor (20) wants more community involvement in the Black Student Success program and wants CEO Martinez to do a forensic audit of CPS.

Public participation is over. We are now moving into a short recess. Be back in 20 minutes.

President Shi reconvenes the meeting and moves on to the business section of the agenda. The three presentations will be Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency, End of Year Data, and Black Student Success.

The board is now discussing how to frame/interpret data and metrics from CPS.

CEdO Chloumbova says that rigorous instruction, a high-quality curriculum, and an equitable framework will ensure that students are being served properly.

Board members are now thanking CEdO Chloumbova for the presentation and asking questions about the Skyline curriculum used in CPS.

Dr. Fatima Cook begins the Black Student Success presentation. She says opportunity gaps persist despite decades of reform.

Dr. Fatima Cooke is now showing a video on CPS’ working group to address the opportunity gaps Black students face.

The Black Student Success Plan recommendations include a culturally responsive curriculum, recruitment and retention of Black educators, facility improvement, community partnership, and educational access.

President Shi moves on to vote on the public agenda items. Agenda items on pgs 3, 4, and 5 are passed.

Agenda items on pgs 6 and 7 are passed. A motion to hold a closed executive session passes.

President Shi reconvenes the meeting. With no further business before the board, a motion to adjourn is introduced. The motion is passed, and the meeting is adjourned.

Chicago Public School Board of Education meeting ends at 5:50 p.m. This ends my coverage for @chidocumenters, find more information through Katrina A. Herring’s notes at