City Hall map proposal published, Ward redistricting
Hi! I’ll be live-tweeting today’s special City Council meeting today at 1:00 for #CHIdocumenters
The meeting is to consider and vote on ward redistricting.
12:44 PM Dec 1, 2021 CST

The meeting was called to order at 1:05.
44 members are present.
41 votes to approve a new ward map are needed to avoid a referendum.
Mayor Lightfoot is in DC today.

Public comment has begun.
Ryan Tolley, Policy Director at CHANGE Illinois says The People’s Map provides parity for people of color. “It is the only map proposal created with the input of Chicagoans and drawn in the public spotlight,” he says.

Tolley says it’s a choice between a “backroom map or The People’s Map.”

Chris Kanich, a commissioner with the Chicago Advisory Redistricting Commission (CARC), says incorporating some aspects of other maps proposed would lead to an even better map, but he hasn’t been able to do any such comparison with a map from the City.

Anne Shaw, Member, Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community Redistricting Steering Committee, speaks as a proponent of an Asian American majority ward. “Make Chicago history by going from going from zero to one.”

Ben Lau, Executive Director of the Chinese American Museum of Chicago implores the Council to vote for an Asian American majority ward.

Michael Strode, 7th Ward Chicago resident, would like the map to be voted on through referendum. “Select the People’s Map. Select the people’s process,” he says, which he believes will allow for more accountability overall.

A map has been released by the Rules Committee.
Michelle Harris, Chair of the Committee on Committees and Rules, says two meetings will be held next week for further discussion about the map.
The meeting adjourned at 1:53 p.m.