Live reporting by
Ahmad Sayles
The topic of the 911 dispatch ranking system continues to be discussed. Residents of the third district are tired of not receiving help during their time of emergency and are willing to do the work to change this.
Good Morning! I’ll be live-tweeting Chicago Police District Councils - 3rd Police District Council - Woodlawn/Park Manor/South Shore meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m.
09:37 AM Mar 16, 2024 CDT

All three district council members (Franklin, Bryant, Jones) are present and a quorum is reached.

The next item on the agenda is public comment. One public speaker says that the low turnout of the community is due to meeting times being changed. Chair Franklin says the time change was to accommodate the guest speaker.

The guest speaker Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Iris Martinez couldn't make it to the meeting to discuss the new expungement clinic. Most politicians are participating in today's St. Patrick’s Day Parades.

With no more public speakers, the meeting moves on to the next agenda item: district council member's updates.

District Council member Bryant announces an upcoming gun violence prevention meeting in April.

District Council member Bryant reminds everyone of the upcoming decision by Mayor Johnson on the April 7th deadline to pick half of the nominees to serve on the Community Commission for Public and Accountability.

The district council members are talking about the importance of the commission. Citing reports of ineffective policies by CPD particularly concerning police traffic stops and shotspotter.

Another community member wanted to express concerns about Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management & Communications. She says the system of rating calls and determining whether to dispatch a police car is flawed.

Chair Franklin says that a managing supervisor from OEMC will be attending a meeting soon and the community will be able to ask direct questions to someone in charge.

DC member Bryant says that Superintendent Snelling has expressed interest in attending future district council meetings.

District Council members are now receiving hotspots from the community. The hotspots are areas of concern in the community (selling of drugs & loitering).

The guest speaker Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Iris Martinez has shown up.

Clerk Martinez is now explaining the expungement clinic. She says that when she took office there was a backlog of 6,000+ expungement applications, now the backlog is less than 100 left.

Clerk Martinez says that Black and brown Chicago residents who have records should apply to get their records expunged, so they can have a fair shot at jobs and trades.

Certain records can't be expunged. Such as domestic violence and DUIs.

With no further business before the district council members, Chair Franklin calls to adjourn the meeting. The meeting is adjourned.

Chicago Police District Councils - 3rd Police District Council - Woodlawn/Park Manor/South Shore meeting ends at 11:08 p.m. This ends my coverage for @chidocumenters, find more information through Holland Harmon’s notes at