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Live reporting by Ahmad Sayles
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After a lengthy debate, Ald. Moore’s Shotspotter reconsideration ordinance O2024-0011032 passes.

Ahmad Sayles

09:55 AM Sep 18, 2024 CDT

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Agenda here: ……
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The rules of conduct have been read. Mayor Johnson calls the meeting to order. A quorum has been reached. The pledge of allegiance is being recited.
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An invocation is delivered and the public comment period begins.
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The first public speaker is Jody W., from the Chicago Alliance for Animals. The CAA is urging the city council to ban the sale of new fur in Chicago.
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The next speaker is Patricia Tatum from the 20th ward. She's advocating that the vacant lot on 63rd and Blackstone be used for affordable housing. She wants a right to return for displaced neighbors, a tenant's right to refusal, ordinances passed to stop gentrification.
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The next speaker wants the city to incentivize the building of data centers.
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The next public speaker is Frank Chatman. He’s thanked the city council for passing the community commission for public safety and accountability. He says that civilian control of the police is crucial to prevent a police state. He's also advocating against Shotspotter.
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The next speaker is Sean Campbell, he commends the CPD for protecting the city during the DNC. He's also advocating for the city to renew the Shotspotter contract.
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The next speaker is Ja’Mese Plesant from the 5th Ward. She's advocating for the South Shore CBA ordinance, homeowner repair grants, tax relief, and for the city council to address the lack of affordable housing.
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The next speaker is speaking for the United for a Better Chicago PAC. He wants the mayor to be recalled. He accused the mayor of maligning his character by saying he wasn't a Chicagoan. The gentleman used a swear violating the rules of conduct and Mayor Johnson threw him out.
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Some in the crowd attending started heckling and Mayor Johnson called the meeting to go to recess until the removal of people who violated the rules was complete.
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Mayor Johnson calls the meeting back to order.
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The next speaker is Minnie Hill from the 29th Ward. She's a survivor of the flooding on the west side of Chicago last year. She wants the city to spend more money to provide relief for homeowners whose basements were flooded.
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The public comment period is over. The next item on the agenda is resolutions and acknowledgments. The first resolution is to celebrate the city’s efforts in hosting the DNC earlier this summer.
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City council members are thanking the mayor and CPD Superintendent Snelling for their leadership during the DNC.
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The next resolution is recognizing the retirement of long-time Chicago Dept. of Streets and Sanitation Deputy Commissioner Josie Cruz. City council members are now thanking her for her service.
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Mayor Johnson returns the meeting to regular business.
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Communications from the City Clerk have been delivered. Now on to reports of standing committees.
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Ald Dowell, Chair of the Finance Committee recommends passage of the items from the committee. Below are details from the Department of Housing and the Department of Law.
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Reports from the Committee on Aviation and the Committee on Budget & Gov Ops are approved.
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Ald Harris (8), Chair of the Committee on Committees and Rules recommends passage of the items reported. One of the items passed was the submission of a public question by referendum to voters to change the CCPSA membership from 7 to 11 members.
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Reports from the Committee on Contracting Oversight & Equity, Committee on Committees and Rules, and Committee on Economic, Capital & Technology Development are passed. Included in those reports was the appointment of Sharla Roberts as Chief Procurement Officer for the city.
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Reports from the Committee on Environmental Protection, the Committee on Housing and Real Estate, and the Committee on License & Consumer Protection are passed.
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Appointment of Angel Rubi Navarijo as a member of the CCPSA passes, 31 -14 in favor.
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Reports from the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks & Building Standards include the “Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Block (606) District Pilot Program” aka The Northwest Preservation Ordinance. The ordinance attempts to protect 2, 3, & 4 flats and ensure affordable housing.
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The ordinance passed after debate and a vote. Historical landmarks for the Ramova Theatre, St. Adalbert Parish Complex, and Jackson Storage and Van Company Warehouse passes.
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Mayor Johnson acknowledges Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. who’s in attendance.
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Mayor Johnson opens the floor to discuss the ordinance introduced by Ald Moore (17) which would direct Superintendent Snelling to enter a new contract with Shotspotter.
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After a lengthy debate, Ald. Moore’s Shotspotter reconsideration ordinance O2024-0011032 passes. The next City Council meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024.
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With no further business before the council, the mayor adjourned the meeting.
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The Chicago City Council regular meeting ends at 4:20 p.m. This ends my coverage for @chidocumenters, find more information through Jerry Winn’s notes at