Board focuses on projects on Clinton Ave. and Fulton Road
Hey! I’ll be live-tweeting today’s Board of Zoning Appeals meeting for #CLEDocumenters @CLEDocumenters @NeighborUpCLE @CLEcityplanning
08:25 AM Sep 27, 2021 CDT
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning The Board of Zoning Appeals is responsible for hearing appeals from individuals requesting exceptions or variations for City Ordinances in regard to land use and building requirements or from individuals who are questioning the appropriateness of orders made by City officials.
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning This meeting can be viewed on YouTube here:
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Here’s information on the zoning appeals process and how to get heard at a meeting like this one:
“To contact the Board of Zoning Appeals office and request access to the WebEx meeting call 216.664.2580 or email us at”
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Members of the Zoning Appeals Board are:
Kelley Britt (Chairperson)
Tim Donovan
Myrlene Barnes
Alanna Faith
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Here’s today’s 5-page agenda:
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning last page of the agenda
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Today’s agenda TL;DR - there are a couple private residence owners who are looking to build structures on their properties, and a few proposals for buildings.
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning The meeting begins at 9:30
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning Next up is 15040 Columbine Ave - the owner is looking to build a swimming pool and pergola on a private lot
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle @CLEcityplanning individuals speaking on this matter are being sworn in
No change in the zoning in this area since the 1920s
The architect of the project is here to explain some details
Basically, the owner wants to use two vacant lots behind their house to build a pool, a deck, and a pool house. There are several zoning issues involved - firstly the size of the deck they want.
Krebs says they haven’t consolidated the lots because they might want to use the one parcel for an independent address in the future
Since the lots are not consolidated, they’re running into zoning issues with the property lines and limits on how close you can build to those
in this picture, the top left is the existing residence, and the lot on the right (behind the residence) is where they want to build
Adam Davenport suggests they survey the neighbors, and supports the decision to not consolidate the lots
The councilperson, Charles Slife speaks in support of the Krebs project and says they believe some of the zoning rules in this neighborhood should be examined and updated. @ADayInTheSlife
@ADayInTheSlife Next, the owner of 3811 Clinton Ave wants to build a carriage house with two parking spaces
@ADayInTheSlife the appellant is not present so they’re going to skip it for now and “loop back later”
@ADayInTheSlife Instead, we’ll go over 2222 Fulton Rd’s proposed construction of an apartment complex
@ADayInTheSlife The architect and appellant are sworn in. The history of the property and legal standards are given.
@ADayInTheSlife Westleigh Harper, the architect, gives details on the project
@ADayInTheSlife The units would be staggered on height, depth, and siding color to break up the building and provide a better aesthetic in the neighborhood
@ADayInTheSlife Donna Grigonis gives feedback that was collected from the neighbors of the property - mostly positive. The locals seem to be in support of this project.
@ADayInTheSlife The board has a few questions -
Are the green colors in the picture the ones they’ll be using? Yes.
Are the units all the same square footage? Close, but no.
What will the units cost to rent? “Lower than other apartments in the area”
@ADayInTheSlife Next up 2260 Freeway/W.14th Street - City of Cleveland wants to build an apartment complex and parking lot
@ADayInTheSlife Those speaking on this matter are sworn in - Rick Maron, Daniel Sirk, Bryan Dardis, Donna Grigonis, Donald Petit, Matthew Moss
@ADayInTheSlife History of the property & legal standards are given. Nothing interesting here - looks like the property has been pretty much empty
@ADayInTheSlife Sirk, the architect, gives details on the project - it’s made up of 3 separate parcels that have this triangle shape together and is giving them zoning issues.
@ADayInTheSlife Grigonis says the Neighborhood Development Committee does not agree with Maron’s use of the property as a full-time Air B&B, but they do not object to the zoning variances for long-term occupancy.
@ADayInTheSlife Maron says that people in the neighborhood are supportive of the project and says he’s willing to discuss the use issues with the Development Committee, and that City Council has no rules on Air B&Bs so he’s not breaking any rules rn.
@ADayInTheSlife He says their marketing strategy was to use the space as Air B&Bs first and then as long-term apartments and that he’s willing to work with the committee
@ADayInTheSlife Issues on the use of the property are not up for decision today, but I bet they will be discussed further in the near future. Today we’re just talking about the zoning code for the construction project.
@ADayInTheSlife Matthew Moss, Cleveland City Planner, is concerned about preserving the pedestrian environment
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Maron says he’s worked out details with Landmarks about the parking lot and pedestrian areas, and that he needs those 6 parking spots and 5 will not do.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 There’s a lot of comments going back and forth here - seems to me like not everyone has all the same information and that this project is being adjusted and tweaked A LOT.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 There is concern that people will park on the sidewalk with the current plan, but it’s hard to tell what the lot will actually look like from these plans. They’re saying they’re going to fence the lot
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Variance is granted conditionally - the Board wants more details on the fence.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Next up is 0 St. Clair Ave, which was previously postponed
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Laure Wagnor, a lawyer: consulted with the mayor’s office and determined that the appellant’s claim is correct - that property is owned by the railroad
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 The appeal is granted. “There was a lot of discussions when we heard this originally.”
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Next is 2610 W 11th St - they want to build a 20x20 ft addition and a new deck, which will violate some zoning rules
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Larry Fonder, Ibrahim Hakki, Donna Grigonis are sworn in. History of the property and legal standards are given
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Hakki, the architect, explains details on the project - they’re in the process of converting this vacant, 2-family home to a 1-family unit
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Grigonis says the Economic Development Committee is hearing this on Thursday, but the Block Club does approve.
City Planning also supports the variances on this project.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 The property owners are just asking to be allowed to build the addition in line with the existing building, which is only 3 feet away from the property line. Normally the rule is 6 feet.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Gary Martin, the owner, wants to build a new residence and convert the current residence into a carriage house with two parking spaces
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 The property owners have already agreed to move the structure plans back to 14ft. The history of the parcel is given - it’s authorized as a 2-family property
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Martin says his drawings have been approved by the Block Club, who wanted him to keep the back structure.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Grigonis says there is no opposition from their side. Petit supports the change on the front yard setback and the project. They commend Martin for keeping the back house. City Planning also supports the project.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Next door neighbor Joel Solloway says there is an issue with a stump from a tree that was removed. He says the roots from that tree have impacted his property. They want repairs and privacy landscaping to the property line to be considered
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 The Board tells Martin to be a good neighbor. Martin says he plans to, and that when they start digging the basement of his property they will address the root situation.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Variances are approved. Motion granted (pending the revised drawing). Congrats!
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 Those are all the items for today. Old business is discussed - one item is moved to another day, and the swearing-in for next week is planned.
@ADayInTheSlife @mattm178 For more meeting coverage, check out
#CLEDocumenters @CLEDocumenters @NeighborUpCLE