Live reporting by
Jennifer Lenz

The Board of Trustees for @ChiCityColleges regular meeting begins at 2:00pm in-person @HW_College floor 11, room 1115

OR online via YouTube. I'll be tuning in remotely.……

The board has 7 voting members. They are appointed by the Mayor of Chicago with approval from the Chicago City Council & 1 student elected board trustee

Mayor Brandon Johnson @ChicagosMayor appointed 4 of the current board members, while 3 remain as appointed by former mayor Lightfoot, finishing their final term of a 3yr service

@ChicagosMayor Student Trustee member, David Ramirez from @daleycollege is recognized & congratulated on their recent election to the board

@ChicagosMayor @DaleyCollege No Student Trustee Report was given, as it is Trustee Ramirez's 1st meeting as a voting member

@ChicagosMayor @DaleyCollege Chancellor Jaun Salgado, addresses the room by congratulating the May graduates. He also acknowledges May as Asian & Pacific American Heritage month

1st speaker is an adjunct professor & on the Bargaining Committee for their UNION. She tells the board they want a fair contract! #solidarity

A student speaker talks about financial stress & asks for the Fast Funds program to be expanded by 50% & makes additional suggestions to alleviate financial stress from community college students

4th speaker, a retiree, talks about the importance of the community colleges of Chicago & says, "every grandparent represents 15 enrollees"

The final speaker starts by announcing he stands in #solidarity w/ the #afscme union. He continues by urging the board to take care of their teachers bc the well-being of educators affects the well-being of students & represents the school overall

Next, all the May Graduate 2024 Valedictorians & Salutatorians are recognized & congratulated by their college presidents.

with all the time spent talking about the graduates, it feels like I just sat through a very long graduation ceremony

The Committee Report is given by Chair Katya Nuques. Chair Katya Nuques serves as the 1st Latina Board Chair of @ChiCityColleges The Board Report is approved

@ChiCityColleges the Board of Trustees has gone into a Closed Session to discuss the topic of the faculty union, employment of public body, disciplinary actions, contract negotiations, & litigations.

@ChiCityColleges The meeting adjourned at 3:52pm. This concludes the @ChiCityColleges Board of Trustees meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for June 6, 2024. For more coverage, follow @CHIdocumenters, @city_bureau & check out !