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Cuyahoga County Council implements new public comment guidelines, residents sound off on legislation divesting from Israeli bonds

Good evening Cleveland and beyond! I will be live tweeting the Cuyahoga County Council Meeting starting at 5:00 pm. #CLEDocumenters @signalcleveland @cledocumenters
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04:23 PM Jul 16, 2024 CDT

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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The Cuyahoga County Council is an 11-member body elected by the residents of our neighborhoods who make policy decisions for effective functioning of County government and is a link between government agencies and citizens. Learn more here -…
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The meeting opens with public comment after reading of the rules by the CC president -
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Andria Richardson, Council Clerk reads the temporary rules adopted at the July 2 Council meeting which includes there will be no more than 20 commenters and others can submit written testimony to
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters First public commenter Susan F. from Cleveland Hts. who speaks on terrorism in the Middle East stating Israel just wants the terrorists to leave them alone.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Jillian N. from Cleveland Hts. who thanks the Council for not moving forward with the anti-Israel resolution and attempts to do the same thing by a different name.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, H.S. resident and CEO of Betera Partners in Beachwood who wants to remind everyone that BDS (boycotts, divestments, and sanctions) is illegal in OH and thinking about divesting (in bonds) from Israel is illegal.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Danielle Murray who speaks on the genocide, starvation, and displacement being committed against civilians by Israel and Chris Ronayne is investing "our tax dollars" in a slaughter of Palestinian civilians.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, John Marcus from Shaker Hts. and board member of American Jewish Committee in Cleveland who thanks Council for not moving forward with the previous anti-Jewish resolution and not considering additional attempts, as this should not be brought before Council's business.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, is Lu who states if Israel's bond is so good Council should consider a resolution for a Cuyahoga County bond and Council Members can decide how to spend the money - on county jails or health and human services people in the county desperately need.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Steve Norris who calls for divestment from Israel bonds and wants to raise awareness of another solution, confederation which would include two states.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Alyce Thompson who states she stands firmly against genocide; conservative estimates see over 186k Palestinians killed by Israel and our tax dollars since Oct. 7,; and continued investment in Israel bonds is investment in the nightmare Palestinians have lived for 75+ yrs.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Jason W. lifetime Cuyahoga residents who states it's important to have neighbors who can get along and talk about controversial things without becoming hating; gives the origin of the red hands; and thanks Council for being willing to listen and their hard work.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Amal Hamid a third generation Palestinian and mother of 3 children who states she resides in Bay Village which has a population of 15,880 which is similar to the number of children killed in Gaza; Hamid describes the effects on children who live through wars in Gaza.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Sara Fadala - Sudanese American fighting for liberty and justice for all; stands in solidarity w/the Palestinian people; debunks the claim that attacking Israel bonds is anti-Semitism; her brother was evacuated from Sudan's E.Border b/c of no guarantee of his safety.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Susan B. says she just wants to say thank you to Council for listening and taking the issue off.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Steven Greenberg resident of Beachwood, Cuyahoga County for over 60 yrs. and he is actually a taxpayer unlike many of the people speaking - who are also not residents; they speak about how their tax $ are spent when they don't pay taxes.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Tyler Taran with Democratic Socialist of America and Conservative Political Action Conference demands the County divest from Israel bonds; takes a moment of silence for lives lost in ... over the weekend and all Palestinians; and is disappointed in only 20 speakers.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Doreen Warren from Beachwood states investing in Israel bonds is financially and morally the correct thing to do and talks about colonialism.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Daniel Borisen a 37 yr. resident of the County says thank you to Council for running a very good council and the democratic process; for listening to all of the lies week after week; and withdrawing the resolution so that things like MetroHealth can be funded.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Alwyn Reid representing the Office of Child Support workers who speaks on the hybrid working proposal which is in stark contrast to last Friday's email which would eliminate 1 day at home and Council should reconsider otherwise lots of employees will quit.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Josh Sunshine (Clev. Hts.) thanks Council for not passing the divestment resolution b/c it's a well organized agenda to attack the Jewish state and people; and the BDS resolution would punish County residents and push the prospect for peace in the Middle East further away.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Joseph Gutter thanks Council for not moving forward with the anti-Israel resolution and not considering attempts to do the same thing by another name; just returned from Israel and states what they have to do to protect themself is terrible.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Lastly, Laura S. states she's a mom who stands against genocide; recites James Baldwin quote from 40 yrs. ago in the Nation Magazine, "the children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe;" and states she opposes the County's $6m investment in Israel bonds.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next on the agenda, the Members approve the July 2 meeting minutes; there are no messages from the County executive, so on to legislation introduced by Council.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Up first, R2024-0266 amending Rule 17 of the Cuyahoga County Rules of Council to establish additional guidelines and procedures for public comment at Council and Committee meetings; and declaring the necessity that this Resolution become immediately effective.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Review newly-adopted temporary public comment guidelines here -…
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Actually, the first piece of legislation introduced by Council considered for first reading and referral to committee was R2024-0268 awarding up to $6,100 to Empowered Inc. which was referred to the Health Human Services Aging Committee.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0269 awarding up to $350,000 to the MetroHealth System for Behavioral Health upgrades in the emergency department which was referred to the Community Development Committee.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0270 awarding up to $150,000 to MetroHealth park system for improvements which was referred to the Community Development Committee.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Committee Reports and resolutions of Council for second reading starting with R2024-0226 awarding up to $10,000 to the Women of God Outreach Ministries which was moved to the July 30 agenda for the third reading adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0246 awarding up to $6,000 to the United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland for the Afro-packed Summit which was moved to the July 30 agenda for the third reading adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024--0247 awarding up to $10,000 to Birthing Beautiful Communities for a birth center which will move to the July 30 meeting for consideration of third reading adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, 2024-0248 awarding up to $10,000 to S.H.I.N.E for the S.H.I.N.E Girls Program which will move to the July 30 meeting for consideration of third reading adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, 2024-0249 award up to $20,000 to the Spread the Love Foundation which was moved to the July 30 agenda for consideration of third reading adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0250 awarding up to $20,000 to the Case Western Reserve Historical Society for the Carl B. Stokes history project. Trevor McLear County Council staff proposed increasing the amount to $40,000 - of which $20,000 would come from the District Community AARPA Fund.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Council members voted to approve the increase and R2024-0250 will move to the July 30 agenda for consideration of the third reading and adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0251 awarding up to $200,000 to Karamu House for its Next Generation Capital Improvements Project which was moved to the July 30 agenda for consideration of the third reading and adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0252 awarding up to $295,000 to the Home Repair Resource Center which was moved t the July 30 agenda for consideration of the third reading and adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0253 adopting various changes to the Cuyahoga County non-bargaining classification plan which was moved to the July 30 agenda for consideration of the third reading and adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, consideration of Council of third reading adoption and first is R2024-0225 awarding up to $95,324 to the CREW Foundation - moved to adopt which was seconded. Per Cheryl Stephens, VP (District 10) states the the grant will allow film students to see what a career could be.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters R2024-0225 was approved unanimously.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Committee report of Council for Second Reading starting with Ordinance 2024-0007 amending the Cuyahoga County Code related to education which will move to the July 30 agenda for consideration of third reading and adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, legislation introduced by the executive - R2024-0271 amending the 2024-2025 biennial operating budget for 2024 by allowing for additional appropriations and cash transfers. Council Member Dale Miller (District 2) reads the amendments, and the Resolution is approved.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, consideration of first reading and referral to committee starting with R2024-0272 confirming the County Executive appointment of Melaak Rashid to serve on the Citizens Advisory Council on Equity - which was referred to the Human Resources and Equity Committee.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, is reading of abbreviated titles - there are no objections so the Clerk reads the titles which were referred to various committees.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Committee Reports and resolutions for second reading starting with R2024-0243 for a grant to Say Yes Cleveland and College Now Cleveland for fiscal services for fiscal year 2024 - 2025 - which moved to the July 30 agenda for consideration of the third reading and adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0244 authorizing amendment to various contracts for training services of young adults in an amount not to exceed $800k which moved to the July 30 agenda for consideration of the third reading and adoption.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, R2024-0260 authorizing a revenue generating agreement with Step Forward in the amount not to exceed $323,190 for lease of space at 2421 Community College Ave., this was moved to the July 30 agenda for consideration of the third reading.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next, Committee Reports in consideration of resolutions in second reading under suspension of rules which was approved by the Members.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters Next Miscellaneous Committee Reports - Finance Budget will meet July 22 and will hear a report on actual financial; Econ. Dev. will meet on Monday; SH will meet at 1:00; Community Development, Human Resources, Public Works, Educ. Environment all have meetings next week.
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@signalcleveland @cledocumenters The meeting is adjourned. Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or tweets to @cledocumenters or email us at