Return to Akron Public Art Commission
Live reporting by Jenna Eastman
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Board sees progress on public art inventory project

Jenna @jenmeast
Hi, I'll be live-tweeting today's Akron Public Art Commission for #AKRdocumenters @SignalAkron.

04:29 PM May 8, 2024 CDT

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The meeting was called to order at 4:06 p.m. EST. Commissioners in attendance include: Jon Fiume, Megan Delong, Stephanie Leonardi, Katie Beck, Roberta Rogers, and Andy Hillier. Additional attendees include: Bridget Ambrisco and Mac Love.
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A motion was approved for a new mural at Morgan Park. Children who participate in the Rich Kids Summer EnRICHment Program will be help in the creation of this mural. Learn more about the program here:…
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Mac Love joined to update commissioners on a project to inventory local public art. The project aims to locate and collect data on public art pieces. You can read more about this project from @SignalAkron here:…
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ArcGIS is being used to map the public art locations and collect additional data including images, type of art, funders, and accessibility information for each piece on the map. When complete, a version of the inventory will be made available to the public.
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They've received several proposals from contractors to assist in installation of street light control box art wrapping across the city. This is a part of their project to enhance traffic boxes with the work of local artists:…
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Traffic control box locations for this project will be throughout the city. Ideas for selecting locations included choosing 2 sites per ward and engaging City Council. Once potential locations are identified, engineering will need to provide feedback on location feasibility.
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A Call for Art is live to the public to submit art to be considered for the traffic control box project. More information and a link to submit can be found here:…
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Want to tune into a future Akron Public Art Commission meeting? Meetings are live-streamed and archived on YouTube:…
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Meeting adjourned at 5:29 p.m. This concludes the
Akron Public Art Commission meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. EST. For more meeting coverage, check
out .
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