Cleveland Office of Professional Standards
The Office of Professional Standards (OPS) is an independent agency within the City of Cleveland Department of Public Safety and is composed of civilian employees only. It has the responsibility of receiving and investigating non-criminal complaints filed by members of the public against sworn and non-sworn Cleveland Division of Police employees.
OPS is also empowered to make findings and recommend action to the Civilian Police Review Board (“CPRB”) regarding those complaints. The CPRB reviews misconduct complaints investigated by OPS and makes recommendations for resolution to the Chief of Police. Prior to recommending discipline or determining that a complaint warrants no action, the CPRB may hold a public hearing. Upon making its decision, the CPRB submits its findings and recommendations to the Chief of Police and notifies the complainant of the disposition.
The mission of OPS and CPRB is to increase accountability and improve public confidence in the police by receiving and fairly, thoroughly, objectively, and timely investigating and resolving misconduct complaints against Cleveland Division of Police employees.
As part of its mission, OPS is also empowered to make policy recommendations that will improve the citizen complaint process, increase understanding between the public and CDP employees, reduce the incidence of misconduct and reduce the risk of the use of force by CDP officers.
OPS and CPRB are committed to providing the community with an accessible and safe environment in which to file complaints and have their complaints heard.
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Civilian Police Review Board Hearing
Cleveland Office of Professional Standards
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
9:00 a.m. EDT
Civilian Police Review Board Hearing
Cleveland Office of Professional Standards
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
9:00 a.m. EDT
Civilian Police Review Board Hearing
Cleveland Office of Professional Standards
Tuesday, June 10, 2025
9:00 a.m. EDT